Teaching with Love

Emily has a different take on what it means to be an extraordinary teacher. She believes that forming a strong bond has a profound effect on student outcomes. It may be controversial but her success tells a story.   Parents and teachers alike might just up their game by listening…

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37 Empowering Books About Strong Women

The true strength of women‘s spirits is revealed in many of these stories about incredible women of the past and present. We recommend every little girl to read these brilliant stories to feel inspired and energized about their own potential. Because that’s what these women saw – their potential. The next…

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How to Show Someone You Love Them

I’m not sure if Oprah Winfrey or Stephen Covey said it first, but “love is a verb.” We are surrounded by false representations of love everywhere we look: romance novels, reality TV shows, rom-coms, every love song, you get the gist. Real love, whether it’s romantic, platonic, or familial isn’t perfect. We…

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This time of year, children across the United States are already facing active shooter drills in school. Dr. Laurel Williams, an associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine and chief of psychiatry at Texas Children’s Hospital, explains to Parentology why practicing active shooter drills may actually be detrimental to your child’s health. Too Young…

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Set an Example

One of the ways that teachers break trust is by breaking the rules they wish to enforce. If you don’t want children to use profanity, then you can’t either. If you want students to turn their work in on time, then give them adequate time to complete it. Also, if…

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