Author: mcfarms
A Teacher’s Perspective on the Pandemic
For the last few days I’ve been grappling with news stories, numbers adding up, ever-expanding circles on maps and wondering, “What world have I woken up in?” Like other members of my profession, I’ve been scrambling to generate weeks worth of “stand alone” plans, uploading documents to websites, and creating…
5 Ways Teachers Can Still Reach Kids During Remote Learning
Teaching with Love
Ten Ways Teachers Can Build Better Relationships With Kids
What to do when your work and play are out of whack
Recent Study Links Teen Vaping and Delinquent Behavior
37 Empowering Books About Strong Women
The true strength of women‘s spirits is revealed in many of these stories about incredible women of the past and present. We recommend every little girl to read these brilliant stories to feel inspired and energized about their own potential. Because that’s what these women saw – their potential. The next…